Environmental Impact Made by Water Bottles

Environmental Impact Made by Water Bottles

Do you buy bottled water because you want what’s best for your family? By making that choice you are able to understand that the tap water in your house contains chlorine and other potentially harmful toxins.  Have you ever thought about what happens to those empty bottles once your done with them?  Superior Water is concerned with the quality of the water you family is drinking, but we are also looking out for the planet and environment we live in and it’s future for generations to come. A couple of affects plastic has on out environment include:

Water Bottle Production
Even the production of plastic water bottles harms the environment. How?

  • They are made from petroleum products that use large amounts of fossil fuels.
  • For every bottle of water, it takes three times the amount of water just to produce the bottle.
  • The bottled water industry uses 17 million barrels of oil a year.
  • It takes 2,000 times more energy to produce a bottle of water than to produce tap water.

Water Bottle Usage
The statistics are staggering: Americans use an inordinate number of water bottles.

  • Each person in America consumes nearly 30 gallons of bottled water a year.
  • Each day, they throw away more than 60 million water bottles.
  • Only 12 percent of those water bottles are recycled.
  • Bottled water consumption increases by 10 percent each year.

Environmental Impact
Here are just a few ways bottled water usage is impacting our environment.

  • Plastics make up 90 percent of the trash that pollutes our oceans.
  • Of the water bottles that we use, 80 percent end up in landfills.
  • Each plastic bottle takes up to 1,000 years to decompose.
  • As these bottles decompose, they release toxins that leach into the soil and water supply.

By using our Waterboy whole-house water filtration system, you are not only providing great drinking water for you family, but you are helping protect future generations from plastic water bottle pollution. With our filtration system, every tap in your home will provide cleaner and healthier water that will keep your family hydrated without contributing to landfills or floating garbage patches. If you’d like to learn more, contact us today.